Hot Tub Sanitation: Salt or Ozone
Salt Chlorine and Ozone Generators are very popular options when it comes to sanitizing spa water. They reduce the need for harsh chemicals such as chlorine and increase water safety, leaving your spa water clean and crystal clear.
So, what is the difference between both hot tub sanitation systems? According to, all chlorine is made from salt. Salt Generators split salt and make the purest form of chlorine. While ozonators require no consumables. Ozone Generators simply take air, convert it to ozone, which reverts back to oxygen
Though a normal filtration system and regular maintenance of the spa water is sufficient enough, implementing a salt system or ozonator to your spa will benefit you in the long run. However, it must be noted that both systems require some sort of maintenance:
- Salt Systems have cells that may get calcium build-up and require to be cleaned up and replaced over time. The salt cells can be pretty expensive to replace, do some homework to find out how much it would cost to replace before installing one onto your hot tub.
- Ozone generators use ozone lamps that also need to be replaced over time. Replacements depends how often you use your hot tub.
Salt Systems, even though they require expensive replacement parts, can function without much maintenance. Ozonators, unfortunately, cannot function on their own and require chlorine or additional chemicals to function properly.
The best way to choose the right sanitation system is to weight out how much time and money your willing to provide you hot tub. Which ever sanitation system you choose, a Cal Spas hot tub will provide years of enjoyment and around-the-clock filtration to make sure your hot tub is always ready to go when you are.
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